Work in small groups with print-outs of the image, a ruler, pens and a calculator, or find a way of measuring the image as a whole class.
- Measure the width of the picture.
- Divide the width by 1.618.
- Check the height to see if it is the figure you worked out. If it matches, you have a golden rectangle. If not, try measuring the height to the bottom of the row of gaslights. Is that area a golden rectangle?
- Use the same figure to measure across the width of the picture from each end and draw in the two vertical golden sections.
- Do parts of the composition fit your lines?
- Measure the height and divide that figure by 1.618.
- Use this figure to draw in the two horizontal golden sections.
- Do features in the picture fit your horizontal lines?
Your lines should make a grid of squares and smaller golden rectangles. Try measuring again to divide the rectangles with more golden sections and see if more objects and shapes line up.